Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Editing HTML....

Oh wee! I have changed my blog around all night, literally. I never get a chance to play around with my blog, not only because of fear, lol, but because it is time consuming. So all night is a literal term I am using here =) I went from having a black, white, and sage green theme using Kevin and Amanda's tutorial (which is great, bty) to using SJH Blog Design instructions and a completely different blog background, which are more time consuming and technical, in my opinion, but becomes easier and lets you get the feel for html. OKAY, so enough with messing with this "junque." I am tired, lol. More to come when I go replace my defective spray paint for my tiered tray =)

Changed my blog template...

This is big news, family!!! I have been scared to mess with my former blog template because it was such a process to make it. I used a different tutorial to do this one and there are still some things that I want to tweak. When I see it on my screen, I can't see the green on the sides until I maximize the window. My old blog tutorial showed me how to scale that automatically despite the window size...but like I said, that was a HUGE project that took ALL day at work, lol. I'd love to hear comments because I saved my old template just in case I feel like I miss it or start to dislike this newer, more simplistic one... Also, the template I used was from Kevin and Amanda.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Wooden Letter Initials... (Con't)

Okay, I finished Kelsea and Kylee's initials for their bedroom. I'm glad they're done with although I think I'm going to make one for my brothers lil girl, Kayleigh (there's a lot of K names in the family, lol). In addition, I played around with the photo editor GIMP, which is a lot like a poor people Photoshop, that is just as nifty =) So I played around with GIMP
and color selecting...
Me and St. Nick Lambert at the church Christmas play...

Monday, December 21, 2009

4 days left till Christmas...

Got this idea from my friend, Amy, over at Crafty ADHD, who also gave me
the scrabble tile holder =)
You're the best, Amy!

Works in Process

Making some more wooden initial letter thingmabob for Christmas =) Sorry about the quality of the photos. I took them with my camera phone...

Wooden Letter Initials...

This is one of my new creations and I LOVE how it turned out! I am planning on making a couple of more before Christmas as presents. I distinctly remembering someone making a letter G (with Grace spelled down it, I think) but, for the life of me, I cannot remember where I seen it. I hate when that happens. Sooo, if by that lil itty bitty chance that blogger sees this,
just let me know =)

Note: InspireMe Crafts was what inspired me for this project =)

(photo courtesy of InspireMe Crafts)

Friday, December 18, 2009

'Tis the Season (Con't)

My Christmas decorations have been up since Thanksgiving Eve, lol, but I finally
got them up on Blogger!This is my homemade tree topper. The star was a cheap $1.99 Fourth of July star I got from Beall's Outlet. Pretty satisfied for my first tree topper =)My favorite thing about Christmas is all the ornaments I got from my granny. It feels like I'm hanging a memory for each ornament! I love you, Gern!I made this tree when I lived with Gern, about third grade, I believe. On the back, youo can see where I wrote "I love you mom" and then changed it to "I love you grandmom." You can see I was a gern girl ;) (Side note: I love you mom! =)

Friday, December 4, 2009

Kristin's Holiday Wish List

Mama's Holiday Wish Meme

TodaysMama and Provo Craft are giving away a sleighful of gifts this holiday season and to enter I'm sharing this meme with you.

1. What five items are on your holiday wish list this year?

That would be a Cricut Expression
An insulated storage shed that I can turn into a craft room
A wireless broadband router
A couple of gallons of paint and primer to tackle my living room walls
An embroidery machine

2. What is your favorite handmade gift you have received?

My little magnets that Amy made. There made from those little glass flat marble thingies, with scrapbook paper on the back, and a magnet, of course. They're proudly displayed on my fridge!

3. What handmade gift have you always wanted to tackle?

A quilt! I've always tried to start one but never finished...

4. What was the best Christmas gift you received as a child?

I was always excited to come up and visit my granny, papa, and my mom for Christmas. After my dad and us had our Christmas on Christmas day, my granny would come down and get us and we'd travel the four hours to visit for a week. It was the best gift and we looked forward to it each year.

5. What item are on your kid's wish list this year?

Well, no kids here, but my niece, Kelsea, fills that gap! She definitely wants the Tinkerbell movie that came out last year. I wanna get somebody one of those cool marshmallow shooters!

6. What is your favorite holiday food?

What is not my favorite, lol! I love my mom's homemade peanut butter (hold the nuts) cookie dough! No need to cook it =) I also love my Aunt Linda and Gern's peanut butter cookies (cooked) and homemade peanut butter fudge!!!! YUMMY! Can you see a pattern here, lol?

7. What will you be hand-crafting for the holidays?

I have a couple projects I want to do. One involving a Mason jar. I also want to do a few wooden letter projects for Christmas presents. I also want to make a tiered cupcake/cookie tray out of stove top covers...

8. What is your favorite holiday movie?

I love all the movies that ABC Family and Hallmark run. One of my favorites is Santa Claus with Tim Allen. It's a cute one!

9. Favorite holiday song?

"All I Want For Christmas is You"

10. Favorite holiday pastime?

Putting up the Christmas tree and decorations around the house!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Chubby Baby GIVEAWAY!

Check out this site and their giveaway! They have the cutest covers for carsuits and whatnot =)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Creative Crate Giveaway

Stacie over at The CrEaTiVe CraTe has an awesome giveaway. I love the ideas that she comes up with! Is it possible to be envious of someones creativity, lol. Aren't they the cutest! You have until Tuesday, November 24, 2009 to try to win these outstanding blocks of delicious cuteness.
You can even enter up to four times! Either by commenting and leaving your email, putting her button on your blog, become a follower, and/or blog about it on your own blog!
I have to admit that this is the first time I have blogged about another's giveaway or so specifically about their blog, so I hope my few readers (uhhm, family and friends) check Stacie's blog out =)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

One more Mason jar...

My second Mason jar craft I made. Different color, different day...


My coworker gave me these shutters and I LOVE them passionately ;) AND they were already painted! Robojunker also has some fantastic ideas for shutters.
It is a fabulous Trash to Treasure site!

Thank you soooo much, Eileen!

Window Project

I got this beautimous window from my papa's shed when I was down South last. I have had lots of inspiration for this project. Check out The Creative Crate and she has more than one spectastic idea =) Also my friend Amy over at Crafty ADHD has a window that turned out wonderfully. I got the paper from Summertime Designs, the Falling For Fall kit. She has the BEST kits and I love 'em all! Instead of Mod-Podging the paper on the back like others have, I just taped it strategically in case I ever want to switch up my decor. Another idea I might run with is hanging it from my kitchen ceiling, adding hooks around the frame, and using it as a pot holder thingiemajig!!! I think I seen that idea on Robojunker. My window stayed propped up by the television forever, lol!!! But here it is...where it is supposed to be, finally! I put an old wreath over it that I already had but I think it still looks strange. I'm thinking about maybe lowering the wreath. It might look off because the wreath's not centered...Maybe??

Like always, I'm open to suggestions =)

Mason Jar Creation

Look at all the FUN stuff I got!!! I got the candlesticks, Mason jars, and old milk jar from the thrift store and I picked up some of the paint, raffia, and E-6000 glue at ole WallieMart. This is my finished project =) I painted the candlestick, roughed it up a lil with sandpaper, glued it to the bottom, let it sit overnight, then added the finishing touches and...VOILA!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My Latest Endeavor

Okay, this started out as a four pieces of railing (and a square piece of wood) that my papa had stored up in his little junk hut, I mean shed ;) So I had an inspiration! I painted it cream, then sanded some of it off for the rustic look...
I also rubbed some stain over my the whole thing so it could set in the cracks to make it look even more rustic. I used cherry stain first, then switched to rosewood because it was darker.
I like how it made the base look on the edges.
I added an old spoon that I hammered flat (with the help of Trav in our
living room floor last night), then curved it...The frame is something I got from my papa a while ago. He made it and gave it =) It was unfinished but I rubbed some stain on it, didn't worry much about getting it in the cracks. Then added a rag bow/ribbon I stole from gern last week... Finished look...
I'll switch the picture out, of course.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

My Gern's birthday card =)

My New Chair

I absolutely love a staple gun! I have walked around my house to see if there was anything that needed reinforcements, lol. My papa's going to wonder if I'll give it back ;) Well, I really don't like my fabric choices here but I didn't have enough brown polka dot fabric and then I didn't have enough of the striped fabric. Sooo, because I was determined to reupholster something right then and there, I used multiple fabrics. As soon as I find a real good fabric I like, I'll probably redo it...

Fall Decorations @ My Hacienda

Got some more stuff from Gern's house when we visited =)How you like that Halloween snowman? =)

Gern's Fall Tree!

I love my Granny's homemade ornaments. Her and my Aunt Linda are so creative!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Happy Birthday, Granny O!

I got to make a card at home (instead of sneaking around to do it at work ;) and I printed it out on my new Canon printer! Woo Hoo!

I used the bee-you-tee-ful Shabby Princess Festival kit...

Happy Birthday, Chris!

One of my favorite, people, Chris, had a birthday this weekend. He loved his shirts but I only had a pink giftbag or a Pier One bag. I revamped the PO bag =)