Friday, December 18, 2009

'Tis the Season (Con't)

My Christmas decorations have been up since Thanksgiving Eve, lol, but I finally
got them up on Blogger!This is my homemade tree topper. The star was a cheap $1.99 Fourth of July star I got from Beall's Outlet. Pretty satisfied for my first tree topper =)My favorite thing about Christmas is all the ornaments I got from my granny. It feels like I'm hanging a memory for each ornament! I love you, Gern!I made this tree when I lived with Gern, about third grade, I believe. On the back, youo can see where I wrote "I love you mom" and then changed it to "I love you grandmom." You can see I was a gern girl ;) (Side note: I love you mom! =)

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