Thursday, November 19, 2009

Window Project

I got this beautimous window from my papa's shed when I was down South last. I have had lots of inspiration for this project. Check out The Creative Crate and she has more than one spectastic idea =) Also my friend Amy over at Crafty ADHD has a window that turned out wonderfully. I got the paper from Summertime Designs, the Falling For Fall kit. She has the BEST kits and I love 'em all! Instead of Mod-Podging the paper on the back like others have, I just taped it strategically in case I ever want to switch up my decor. Another idea I might run with is hanging it from my kitchen ceiling, adding hooks around the frame, and using it as a pot holder thingiemajig!!! I think I seen that idea on Robojunker. My window stayed propped up by the television forever, lol!!! But here it is...where it is supposed to be, finally! I put an old wreath over it that I already had but I think it still looks strange. I'm thinking about maybe lowering the wreath. It might look off because the wreath's not centered...Maybe??

Like always, I'm open to suggestions =)

1 comment:

  1. Oh, it's so pretty! I love the paper you chose. And it's fits perfectly there. I think you might like the wreath better centered. But that's just my opinion. :)


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