Friday, July 27, 2012

Wax Paper Roundup!


Remember doing this project in elementary school? Wax paper, bits of crayons, insta-gift for Mother’s Day or Valentine’s Day? Yeap, me too.


I’ve been seeing so many awesome projects out in Blogland and Pinterest with wax paper and have been blown away! There are DEFINITELY some I’ll be trying like this West Elm-inspired capiz chandelier (here and here)! Isn’t this beyond awesome! I have been looking at cool looking light fixtures for our kitchen but I think I really want to do one of these!


Really like the round look too! The one below uses ribbon and hot glue.


Look how full this one is! Beautiful!


You can print on and transfer with wax paper.



You can do more modern crayon projects than those from your kindergarten days Winking smile


Or try using wax paper as a stencil. How nifty is that! Cut, iron down, paint, peel off, simple as that.


Okay, this is another MUST to try!


And here’s some nifty household uses for wax paper! Had no idea that wax paper attracts dust bunnies so you can use some on your Swiffer!

14 Uses for Wax Paper


Well, I will definitely be back soon (hopefully) with updates on my faux-capiz chandy. I want to do a large rectangular one but have to wait for an Ikea trip so I might start on a circle one just to see how it turns out =)

Until next time.

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