Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Easy shirred skirt!

Yeap, you’re right, it’s another skirt tutorial =) I’m near about burnt out on skirts though but I’ll just have to deal because I sure love wearing them! I bought this pretty knit on clearance at a famous “dropping prices every day” store. I actually got three different fabrics for about $15. I’ve made this skirt with the blue and I made a skirt with the green/white but I'm reaaaalllly not sure if I like the green/white outcome =/ I’ll have to share it and see what y’all think though. Anywho, here we go…
See my pretty fabrics!
clearance fabric shirred skirt
I got two yards of the blue fabric. Gazed at it for a few days. Washed it. Let it sit on the quilt rack by my bed for about a week, lol. THEN, I straightened the selvages and sewed up the side. Cut the length I wanted my skirt to be. Then I got to start my favorite part!!! Shirring!
shirred skirt preview
This is my first line started. Please ignore the cruddy iPhone picture. I REALLY need to stop using it but it’s always closer than my camera.
easy maxi skirt
After a couple more lines, I was feeling euphoric and Instagrammed this baby! =)
easy maxi skirt
This is the next Monday when I snapped a pic before work at about 6:30 in the morning. I love it but I’m actually thinking about cleaning up that bottom edge a bit. I know it won’t fray but I think it looks a bit messy.
easy maxi skirt
Paired it with nearly my ONLY white shirt, lol. Oh, and my $3.99 clearance necklace!
easy maxi skirt
Then, the Little Diva wakes up and we watch Team Umi Zoomi before we head to the babysitter’s and work =) Note that she just discovered said clearance necklace and will not let it go, lol. She kept saying “puwty, mommy. Fower? Puwty” (translates to “Pretty, mommy. Flower? Pretty”).
photo 5
Until next time!

Linked up at:

My entry into the Share It Link Party at The Winthrop Chronicles is sponsored by Appliances Online and their best Range Cookers.







  1. You're becoming the shirring queen! I'm jealous. Love the polka dots!

    1. Aww, thanks, Amy =) Shirrign is fun and I'm so glad I (and my machine) finally figured it out, lol

  2. Neat skirt! Thank you so much for linking up to the Pinworthy Projects Party!


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