Friday, February 10, 2012

Valentine’s ideas for the men in your life…

I’m always grasping at ideas on what to get Mr. LCH for Valentine’s Day. I used to go WAAAAYYYY OUT and make him a huge basket of all sorts of candy, chocolate, and what not but that was before we were married so it wasn’t in my house on the bar waiting to be eaten by ME. So, with the help of Pinterest (isn’t she great?), I’ve found some interesting gift-giving ideas…

This fits my Mr. to a tee, lol

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from via Alea from Pinterest

A bouquet of bacon. Be still his heart.

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from via Lindsey on Pinterest

This just made me chuckle. You could think of something cheeky yet cute on the card.

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From via Carey on Pinterest

Although he doesn’t need ANY more socks, I could reuse a pair, lol, just for the cute factor

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From via Art on Pinterest

Sunday morning pre-Valentine breakfast, anyone? Straight from the cinnamon roll can Winking smilebecause that’s how this momma rolls…

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From via Jennifer on Pinterest

Welp, I’m off to contemplate how I’ll make our Valentine’s Day simple yet sweet <3

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