Thursday, February 9, 2012

New paint tool!

While perusing Pinterest, I came across It’s Great To Be Home’s review about Sherwin-William’s new online paint helper, Chip It! I have seen other sites somewhat similar to this but not one that ever gave me exact colors of a brand. So, needless to say, this is something I’ve been needing. I have a Kitchen board on Pinterest and most of the kitchens have the same feel, same colors, etc., but it would be nice to find out what paint color they used. Okay, here goes…

I picked this pretty kitchen pic from my board. It’s from Grace Happens! You should check out their before and after. Very pretty =)

So I entered my url in the paint tool…


It then asks me to select an image…


And VOILA, I got this…


I clicked on “More Colors” and got some additional chips…


I don’t like ALL the colors represented here but the cooled blue, fashionable gray, and extra white make me happy =)

Isn’t this the coolest ever. I’m probably late in the game with my discovery but I like it!

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