Monday, October 10, 2011

Rainy days…

Welp, didn’t get anything done this weekend! No frolicking in the yard, no cleaning up the shed, no decorating. Nothing, nada!

We managed to hit up a birthday party Saturday afternoon just before the weather picked up with chilly winds and a smattering of rain that turned into a rainy afternoon, night, rainy Sunday, rainy Monday morning =(

But I did get my lil turkey butt all gussied up for the birthday party!


We promptly reverted to laziness Sunday and lived in our jammies for the day =)

On a different note, I was in the store Saturday night walking around with a can of orange spray paint that I intended to buy, got home, and realized I didn’t have it! I must have set it down somewhere =/ So aggravated! I was wanting to spray paint a necklace I had to make it more fall-y (yeap, officially a word now). I also had some ideas running through my head, I wanted to try, like these:

Brown Paper Packages! Isn’t this the cutest! I have an idea brewing though! I don’t have any blocks of wood laying around but I do have something that might work instead =) Thank you, BPP for being my inspiration!

Although I just said I didn’t have any blocks of woods, I realized we do have lots of discarded pallets out in the field for THIS!

Brought to you by Tattered & Inked

Now, if I can convince Trav to help me with this craft by lending me his foot. We will see.

To be continued Winking smile

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