Sunday, October 9, 2011

Craft Room Roundup

I have been trying to get my craft room finished for over a year now. Make that two years. I am trying to convince Mr. LCH that if he would just let me go hog wild at Harbor Freight, I could do all these little odd jobs myself and leave him alone. He’s not getting where I’m going with that exclamation, however.

Here is my craft room while we were rewiring, insulating, and what not.

Now, by no means is this what it looks like now. I have a table against one wall stacked full of craft miscellany I stuffed in there when I was scurrying to make our spare bedroom into a nursery =)

So I have a full table of junk, a full bureau of junk, side table with two drawers-- also full, a piano, and home decorations. My SISTER has two sets of mattresses, stacks of prom dresses and evening gowns, an empty stroller box full of decorations, and two Rubbermaid tubs full of decorations. So, I’m sad because my craft shed wasn’t supposed to be for storage. It was supposed to be for all my crafty endeavors. I still go out there and craft and play the piano but mostly I still drag stuff in and work on it in the kitchen. However, I am getting motivated to do some work in there because I am ready to be able to go out there and get things done! I’m tired of this project being on the back burner!

So here’s where my motivation comes from…

I really want a wrap-around counter so I’m going to keep an eye out for old discarded cabinetry to use as they’ve used in this picture!

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My favorite blog ever, Young House Love, scored an awesome deal on 6 lovely cabinets for $1 a piece and made a workspace that I love. I just love their house in general though!

And I equally love how they just bought some wood and made a counter top! I just realized I’ve said ‘love’ or some part of ‘love’ seven times…

Because I have junk junque everywhere, organization is the key!

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I absolutely am envious of this fabulous project! It is two dressers back to back to make an island/worktable! Is that not ingenuity at it’s finest?

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And wouldn’t it be nice, once I clean everything out, to have room to have a hutch in there!

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Wallpapered filing cabinet

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Plastic cup and zip tie storage. Nifty idea especially since they sell those cups at the DG!

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I just love the colors here.

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And of course, I need to have some crafty décor in the crafting cave!

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Love the MAKE letters on the wall.

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Printables from 30 Days that I found via Tatertots&Jello

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Well, that’s all, folks. Maybe I can get out there this weekend and craft away. Let’s keep our fingers crossed…

Everyone have a great weekend!

Note: Sources are linked to pictures. Click away to head over to the meet the mega minds behind the beauties.

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