Friday, May 24, 2013

Ana White shelves

So, remember back in *cough* February when I shared our living room and we were also working on Ana White shelves to go over the piano? No? Well, don’t feel bad, I forgot too, lol!

Once Travis finished the shelves, they sat in our little shed for EONS waiting to be primed and painted and I really wasn’t sure what color I wanted them. Ideally, I liked white but since our walls are cream and I’m not sure when I’ll get around to repainting the living room, I didn’t want to go there. Oh, we used Ana’s tutorial here for the Ten Dollar Ledges. You just need 2 pieces of 1x4 and 1 piece of 1x2 along with a few other supplies like screws. All the pieces are 8 ft. long so we ended up making two shelves at 4 ft. each to go over the piano.


Finally, at the end of April, I was about to leave town for a work conference and got miffed over all the projects that were still laying around. So I primed, painted two coats of a color we had in the shed that I was still unsure about because the paint wasn’t mixing well, and I forced Trav to hang them up 10:00 that night.

Here’s the before pic with better lighting and Roseanne making an appearance.

The 10 PM after.



Added some pictures a week later and tulips from my work conference…


Monday, May 20, 2013

Artwork Display

Kenna brings home artwork and worksheets all the time now that she is in daycare. Because stuff is falling off the refrigerator, when I seen this picture on Pinterest, I knew I needed to try to make something similar.
 love it!
I had a piece of scrap board from our faux sofa table, already stained, so I cut out a stencil and used the inside of the stencil, painted over the whole thing in a bright/light yellow Valspar paint sample, and then peeled the stencil up to show that pretty stain. I decorated some clothes pins with scrapbook paper and Mod Podge, then hung it on the wall with Command Strips!
Artwork sign
Artwork sign2
While I was working on that, Kenna crafted!
Then we took a stroll outside, well, not really a stroll, while I peeled the stencil off.
And here we are!
Artwork sign34
I also hung up some art in the kitchen. I had some prints I was waiting to use, a Corbin Family Rules print I won from Signs by Andrea, and the middle top big print was done by my cousin, artist D. Renee Wilson!
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