Saturday, February 16, 2013

Our Living Room

Whew, slowly but surely, I've finally been making decisions and decorating. Since moving in, I think my biggest drawback is I think too long about wanting to do something in the house whether it's hanging something on the wall or what to put in that blank corner, in fear I'll end up hating it. So here we go with less words and more pics =)

So here's some before pics...
Lots of toys in this pic ;) We've downgraded to just her box of toys and a stroller she wheels around!

After pics!!!!
YES, I made a faux sofa table! Tutorial soon!

My piano has never been in my house before! When we lived in the old house, we didn't have enough room so it was in my craft shed. I've since moved it in the house because two weekends ago, I HAD to go clean out the rest of my craft shed since we sold it. SO now my new empty craft room looks like a tornado hit. We've been putting up shelves when we have the time so I've been slowly organizing that room but I digress.

The items I put on top of my piano, I'll probably remove because I have plans for a picture display over the piano! I'll give you a hint ;) Macho man using plans from a pretty awesome well-known woman by the name of Ana White!

Until next time!


  1. Yay! I finally see your living room. Love it! And the sofa table. Can't wait to see your wall art!

    1. Thank you, Amy =) It's definitely still a working progress but maybe one day, lol


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