Saturday, January 12, 2013

Resolutions in Motion ROUND TWO

Yeap, I'm at it again. I've been trying to make a lifestyle change and although I've fell off the wagon a few times, I haven't let that get me down. So here I am again participating in Resolutions in Motion for a six week blogger challenge. My goals are pretty much the same from round 1 but I've added one very important goal =)

My goals are:
Drink at least the recommended 8 oz. of water a day and less Mountain Dew
Try to exercise at least 20-30 minutes a day
Read my Bible daily!

I actually started eating better last Saturday, more water drinking, and with the use of myfitnesspal (which is awesome, btw) on my iPhone, it is easy to count calories! By Monday morning, I had lost 4 pounds but after a baby shower Tuesday night, I had gained 2 back but hey, it was a fun baby shower =) And I'm anxious to start exercising with my new exercise bike thingie I bought. We'll see how that goes, lol. I know it won't be easy so I have to just accept that and stick to it!

I just know I want to go from my before pics to my after that I mentioned in round 1!



Before pics:

What I am really excited about though is to start reading my Bible daily. It's something I've always wanted to do more of but never had dedicated enough time to. With everyday stresses of life and work, I think it would be good for me.

So once again, wish me luck and say a little prayer for me.

If you want to join Resolutions in Motion there is till time, click the link and join in!


  1. Those are great goals- thanks for joining us again!

  2. I know you can do it! And I love the new blog design!


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