Monday, November 19, 2012

Thanksgiving turkey shirt

I knew I wanted to make a cute shirt for Kenna for Thanksgiving this year! After playing around in Photoshop and and trying to make my own pattern, I found My Cottage Home’s caaaa-ute Gobble Gobble shirt and whaddayaknow? She has a template =) Woot woot!
Okay, so here we go, for the template, GO HERE
1 shirt
6 different scraps of fabric
fusible interfacing
turkey template
sewing machine
I gathered my supplies and fawned over my pretty fabric.

Awww, I love fabric. I actually had some other scraps picked out that I already had at home but after seeing all the fat quarters in the big box store, I just had to buy some, of course!
I borrowed these next two pics from Lindsay at My Cottage Home since I got caught up in crafting and didn’t get enough pics. I ironed all my scraps on my interfacing, then flipped it over to trace my feathers. I then cut my feathers out. You do this also for your turkey’s body. I ran out to my craft shed to scrounge up some canvas like material for my turkey body.


So, after cutting out my feathers, I peeled off the backing and started to arrange my feathers. Like Lindsay said, this is a trial and error process until you get them like you want them. So, I arranged feathers like 50 times, lol.
Once, they were semi-perfect because, hey, you can never get something exactly like you want it, lol, I peeled the backing off my turkey and placed him over the feathers. With my iron VERY hot, I slowly ironed everything down.
And TAAA-DAHHHH! I love it and Kenna does too. She wanted to carry it around in her purse.
I did sew around my turkey because I bought the light weight interfacing that is “sewable.” It made it look a bit messy since I’m not the greatest at sewing around things and sewing on a curve =/ There has to be a trick for that! Also, I did not add eyes, nose, feet, etc. but I’ve seen tutorials that did the extras and they looked great. Honestly, I just got lazy and didn’t want to mess it up, lol.
I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving! With lots of yummy food, pies and many blessings =)

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