Monday, October 8, 2012

Fall Wreath

Managed to whip up two wreaths this weekend and I’m sharing with you one of them. The wreath I’m calling my Fall Wreath (creative, I know, hehe), I’ve decided to put up in the house instead of on the door for now. All you’ll need is a wire clothes hanger, material for your wreath (I used burlap and fabric from a jellyroll), and the usual supplies like hot glue, scissors, a band-aid for the hot glue burn that leaves a whopper of a blister. Yeah, that was just for me. I always have one casualty while using that thing!
I had my husband unwrap the clothes hanger for me because I tried and couldn’t. After cutting my burlap into 2 1/2 in. strips, I started weaving it onto the clothes hanger. I believe I used about 2 yards of burlap but the more, the better because it will look full and fluffy and not show the clothes hanger. I think I needed about another 1/2 or whole yard because I kept rearranging so no silver metal was peaking through, then I’d dab some hot glue here and there to make some of the folds lay right. So, after I finished with weaving, I had my husband twist the wire, then I cut off the extra wire with wire cutters. Now you’re ready to decorate it!
fall burlap rosette wreath from wire clothes hanger
fall burlap rosette wreath
fall burlap rosette wreath
fall burlap rosette wreath
TA-DAH! I’m pretty smitten with it! I’m also smitten with Classy Clutter’s pretty burlap wreath too I came across! Love the ribbon and monogram! Check out Mallory and Savannah’s blog by clicking the link or picture below! =)
Classy Clutter: Burlap Fall Wreath for under $5
I’m also adding the finishing touches to my Halloween wreath. More on that soon!

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  1. I love it! I think that is my favorite wreath! So pretty.

  2. I'm smitten as well! I love the colors you chose for the rosettes. Really pretty wreath :)

  3. This is so cute. I have a link party on Wednesdays, and I would love it if you would link this and any other posts. It is called Wednesdays Adorned From Above Link Party. It runs from Wednesday to Sundays.
    I hope to see you there. I am your newest follower, and I would love for your to follow me also. Have a great Day.
    Debi Bolocofsky
    Adorned From Above

    1. Thanks, Debi! I'll head on over this Wednesday =) And thank you for the follow!

  4. So cute! I really like that ruffley look. I never imagined it was threaded on a wire hanger. How nifty is that!

    1. I know, Christy! I would have never thought a wire hanger could look so good, lol! =)

  5. Adorable! Thanks for sharing! Following now!

  6. Very cute wreaths! Newest follower!

  7. I appreciate your visit to my site! YOUR wreath is uh-mazing. I love it. Did you make the wrapped roses yourself? Loverly. -Lauren

    1. Lauren, I did wrap the roses myself! I'll be honest though and let you know that I scoured my Pinterest boards because I couldn't quite get them right, lol. After the fourth or fifth though, I felt like they were looking better with less hot glue mess!

    2. Impressive! You've inspired me to try something like this in the future. Thanks, Kristin!

  8. Totally making this! Love the texture and roses - perfect for a shabby chic look!

  9. Cute! I just did a wreath with tied strips, but am definitely trying this weave technique next time!

    1. Just went to see your wreath, Allyson and I LOVE it! Definitely going to have to try the alternating textures =) Thanks for stopping by!

  10. This is so pretty! I have just nominated your blog for the Leibster Award, will be posting about it later today!

  11. This turned out really cute, I love it! I'm your newest follower! I'd love for you to stop by and follow back :)

    -Fotini { }

  12. Oh for the LOVE of burlap, I need to make one of these!!

  13. Love this! I'd be honored if you linked this up to my weekly link party.

  14. this is by far the nicest burlap wreath I have seen! gorgeous

  15. Hi Kristin!
    Thanks for visiting The Renegade Seamstress. I thought I would check out what you do and it's all good. Love this wreath! It'll be fun to explore your blog. Hope to see you again soon!

    1. Aww, thanks, Beth! I really liked your sewing projects so I will definitely be back =)

  16. What a cute blog full of cute ideas! I'm here from the thinking closet and will definitely be back!


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