Thursday, August 30, 2012

Weekly menu printable

UPDATE 9/10/13: I've had many write me here lately that they were not able to get into Scribd to download my printables without paying for membership. I have changed from Scribd to Google Docs for an easier download process =) Thank you for stopping by and enjoy!

We’ve started writing our menu out every weekend of what we want to do for supper each night. It has made it somewhat easier since we get home about 6:30 and there’s no, “What do you wanna do for supper?” spiel…well, actually we still do that, lol, because we always lose the menu traveling from the store back home. Anywho, my husband and I have found that it has cut down on our grocery bill as well. We go Sunday to the store, buy just what we need for supper, our lunches, and Kenna’s lunches. Works for us =) Trav has been writing out the menu on a weekly menu pad that I picked up at Joann’s but I wanted to go a little cuter and make one to put in a frame so I can use it as a dry erase calendar board! That way there won’t be any question at the end of the day when we’re home.
So here’s what I came up with for our hungry home!
weekly menu printable preview
Aren’t they beautimous! I love them. Of course, I only need one but I got on a roll and now I want to try a couple of other colors too =) I think I’m just getting tired of teal though. Still love grey, of course!
Anywho, here’s a selection for my lovely readers! Just click on the picture to download!
chevron weekly menu printable

quatrefoil weekly menu printable

Also, here is the link for the herringbone menu as well!

I hope you all enjoy =) What other colors do you think I should try? I was thinking an apple green next time. Something brighter!
And for more of my printable, go here!

Linked up at:


  1. Stopping by from Whipperberry. These are so cute. I LOVE menus!

  2. Stopping by from Tatertots and Jello. These I very cute. I love getting organized!

  3. Thank you for making this! This is really cute and so handy. I will be printing this out asap! I am also pinning it. I found you over at the show and tell hop and am now a new follower. I'd love it if you would follow me back ta

  4. I was just thinking of this very thing! I need to make a menu, and putting it in a frame & using a dry erase marker is such a great idea!!

    Thanks for linking up with the Weekend Blog Walk!!

  5. These are great! I love that you left a space for requests, I'm definitely doing that when I get around to making my own.

  6. They are so awesome! I need to be better at making a weekly menu.

  7. Kristin - these are AWESOME! I'll be featuring them a little later today!

  8. Thank you for this! I was just writing our weekly menus on notecards and putting them on the fridge. These are much nicer! I would love to feature these on my blog, if you do not mind.

    1. Thank you, Christina! And I don't mind at all if you want to feature them =)


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