Friday, June 1, 2012

Sewing Kick!

I have been on a sewing kick here lately. It started after I refashioned all my skirts and made my Kindle cover! My sewing kick has only manifested itself even more as I see all these awesome tutorials on Pinterest and the linky parties I’ve been participating in, so I'm going to share some of the awesomerific things people have been making! I’m so motivated to sew, lol!

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This shirt would look so cute under a cardigan!

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Mrs. Winthrop didn’t sew anything in this refashion—just used a tee, painter’s tape, and fluorescent spray paint!


Cardigans made out of t-shirts? Yes, please!

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Well, I’m off to go sew something spiffy! Wish me luck…luck that my 20-month old will actually let me do something, that is, lol…

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