Monday, June 18, 2012

PINspiration is striking!

I received my West Elm catalog in the mail last week.



Yeap, after pouring over the pages, I threw it away to avoid any excess spending. After I bought my duvet cover, I figured West Elm merchandise could be an addiction if I didn’t watch it. I’m sure Mr. LCH appreciates my generosity, lol.

I was stuck on the accessory pages this month! I guess it’s because I’m dreaming of open shelving and pretty arrangements of milk glass that I don’t have, lol.

west_elm_vases1 west_elm_vases2west_elm_vases3 west_elm_vases4west_elm_vases5 west_elm_vases6


Aren’t they beautimous? I can see some built-ins or a bit of open shelving in the dining room holding these jewels =) I’m a huge fan of Young House Love’s blog and I love what they’ve done with their home—so bright, airy, and cheerful!

Don’t all the vases and kick knacks look awesome? Not cluttered but like they belong there =)

Well, after seeing these tutorials floating around Blogland, I know that I need to improvise to make some awesome vases instead of doling out to West Elm (I still love y’all guys though! Team WE!).



re-use old clear vases. Awesome idea.


So, now I’m super browsing to see all the nifty vase shapes and colors I can come up with using the technique with paint, enamel, modpodge/food coloring, spray paint! The possibilities are endless!

I’m loving the Pinterest finds!




This came from Dwell Studio but would be nifty to recreate with a thrift store find!









Aren’t they ‘prettiful’ =)  I’m definitely going to start picking up glass pieces at the thrift stores. Normally I’ll just scan the aisles quickly but like I said, now there’s possibilities, people! Winking smile

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