Saturday, May 12, 2012

Mother's Day Salt Dough Necklaces

I posted about my mother's day sneak peek the other day, my sister, hubs, and I headed to the store and bought paint beads, ribbon, and jump rings! We, well... I accidentally got Folk Art's enamel paint in gold and silver. The back of the bottle said to bake at 350 for 30 minutes so I tried just one heart to make sure it would mess up the salt dough and it didn't. It made the metallic more...pronounced maybe. It came out of the oven a tad darker, smoother, the paint more "melty" looking instead of splotchy from me dabbing it on.

Anywho, I first seen this on Pinterest, of course =)

To make the salt dough we used 1 c. of flour, 1/2 c. of salt, and cold water. You use enough cold water until you get the consistency of play dough. I had trouble with the consistency. I got it too wet, then it seemed too dry. When rolling out with a rolling pin though, make sure you flour the surface! I don't think of these things until afterwards because I so do not bake, lol. That's my sister's department but she forgot her rolling pin so we used an old glass milk carafe. It worked =)

Here are the final products! The gold heart has both mine and my sisters fingerprint's in it. That one's for my mom.

This lil silver baby heart is also for my dear mommy but it has my little girls fingerprint.
This one is for me =) My mother's day present to myself.

The trio I made. I also made another tiny gold circle with Kenna's fingerprint for my granny.

I had fun making these. I hope they like them =)

Tip Junkie handmade projectsVisit


  1. Love my Necklace!!! Love you!!! You are amazing the crafting is in the Gene's. You have definately embraced years of family talent and tradition with modern ease. I love you so very much. Momma

    1. Thank you, momma! I'm glad you liked them =)

  2. How pretty! Love those blue beads. Thanks for visiting The Latest Find! Hope you have a good weekend coming up! =)

  3. I really DOOOO love these! My daughter would have a blast making her own too. Thanks for linking up:)

    1. Kim, they were so much fun! If you have small cookie cutters, they would be a snap! I just free handed the hearts and got aggravated that some looked lop-sided, lol, but it made them unique =)

  4. These are so cute! I am for sure pinning these to give as Grandparent's day gifts. Thanks for sharing at our Handmade Tuesdays party.

    1. I gave one to my granny for Mother's Day too and she loved it. She cried, lol. It's the sentimental, handmade things that really touch the heart =) Thank you for commenting

  5. These are just precious - what a special gift. My link party [The Inspiration Board] is up right now. I would love for you to stop by and consider linking this up! My readers would love it.

    1. Thank you, Carolyn! =) And I'll head over right now and check out your link party. Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Featuring these on Handmade Tuesdays today!

    1. Thanks so much, Carrie! I'm so excited, lol! I've never been featured before and when I got online this morning, two blogs are featuring me! Yayyy! :)


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