Sunday, March 18, 2012

My first printables

I have started playing around on Photoshop here lately and have made some of my own little goodies/printables! I even made my own chevron paper (which was pretty tedious the way I was trying it) but once I finished that baby, I saved it as a photoshop file so I could change the colors
when I feel the need.

My first state project since they seem to be all the rage right now =)

I decided to watermark this since I borrowed the
background fromSmitten Blog Designs free kit.
Super cute kit you should check the site out!

Centered text

Right justification

This is for my lil KennaBoo =)
Just realized it looks crooked!

I definitely had fun making these and they are for my own enjoyment and hopefully will use them around the house whenever I get around to printing them out, lol. Until next time...


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