Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Christmas is coming!!!!!

Oh man, I’m soooo excited for Christmas this year. Our lil runt is 15 months old now and I know she’s going to be excited but for now, we’re itching for the day and she doesn’t even know what’s coming, lol.

We haven’t put up a Christmas tree though, because where we normally put the tree is now Kenna’s play corner. I just hate to move her toys and then when she wants to ‘play’ with the Christmas tree, she gets in trouble. I can just see her baffled look, “Well, it’s my corner!” Soooo, we’re going to buy a small tree to put up on the bar and next year I think she’ll be old enough to understand why it’s not her toy corner for the month. Buuut on a side note, hopefully we can eliminate said toy corner. Travis and I were talking just this morning about building her a toy box!!!! This is a huge feat for him. He is NOT a carpenter but a mechanic. Two completely different spectrums, lol. I think it will be fun though. Anywho, I digress. Sunday night, Kenna crashed extremely early. I’m talking about a nap at 4ish, wake her up at 5ish, she goes back to sleep 6ish! She was not having us trying to keep her awake (so she wakes us up at 3:30 a.m. to ‘play’). So, I had a chance to hang some Christmas decorations. I got up our door hanger, the Christmas cross stitch and samplers, and a few knick knacks. No pictures of said decor sadly but it does have me in the mood to craft some and to get some projects going that I already have the supplies for!

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freshpoppydesign.blogspot.com via Lauren Mistrot on Pinterest

I think this would be a great idea for the living room!

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theinspiredroom.net via Danielle Grimes on Pinterest

I love the idea above because I was just telling Trav when we were out in the craft shed that I wanted to drag out the tiny ornament balls to put in my little cloche I bought from the thrift store last month. I just need to spray paint the base first.

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From frenchflea.blogspot.com via Taylor on Pinterest

I love this tree. I love the holds. I love the shutters. Yeap, mad love =)

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From bhg.com via Angela on Pinterest

Oh, man! Don’t you absolutely LOVE this fat tree in a bucket!!!

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Printable from 1.bp.blogspot.com via Nicole on Pinterest

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Simple and natural feeling. From bhg.com via Donna Funky Junk Interiors via Centsational Girl on Pinterest


This is so neat! Glued ornaments to disc, took out metal hanger, added blooms. So simple and still pleasing to the eye. From bhg.com.


Also from bhg.com, they took a stick, drilled tiny holes, inserted pipe cleaners. Very thrifty!

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From craftcritters.blogspot.com via Kristin (me) via Amy on Pinterest

Man, I can’t wait! We actually have most of our Christmas shopping done, which is a first for us so now it’s a waiting game and it is making me that more anxious, lol.

Happy holidays!

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