Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My Latest Endeavor

Okay, this started out as a four pieces of railing (and a square piece of wood) that my papa had stored up in his little junk hut, I mean shed ;) So I had an inspiration! I painted it cream, then sanded some of it off for the rustic look...
I also rubbed some stain over my the whole thing so it could set in the cracks to make it look even more rustic. I used cherry stain first, then switched to rosewood because it was darker.
I like how it made the base look on the edges.
I added an old spoon that I hammered flat (with the help of Trav in our
living room floor last night), then curved it...The frame is something I got from my papa a while ago. He made it and gave it =) It was unfinished but I rubbed some stain on it, didn't worry much about getting it in the cracks. Then added a rag bow/ribbon I stole from gern last week... Finished look...
I'll switch the picture out, of course.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

My Gern's birthday card =)

My New Chair

I absolutely love a staple gun! I have walked around my house to see if there was anything that needed reinforcements, lol. My papa's going to wonder if I'll give it back ;) Well, I really don't like my fabric choices here but I didn't have enough brown polka dot fabric and then I didn't have enough of the striped fabric. Sooo, because I was determined to reupholster something right then and there, I used multiple fabrics. As soon as I find a real good fabric I like, I'll probably redo it...

Fall Decorations @ My Hacienda

Got some more stuff from Gern's house when we visited =)How you like that Halloween snowman? =)

Gern's Fall Tree!

I love my Granny's homemade ornaments. Her and my Aunt Linda are so creative!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Happy Birthday, Granny O!

I got to make a card at home (instead of sneaking around to do it at work ;) and I printed it out on my new Canon printer! Woo Hoo!

I used the bee-you-tee-ful Shabby Princess Festival kit...

Happy Birthday, Chris!

One of my favorite, people, Chris, had a birthday this weekend. He loved his shirts but I only had a pink giftbag or a Pier One bag. I revamped the PO bag =)

Fall is here, ya'll!

I finally put some lil pictures in the frames Gern gave me!

My exploits here lately...

I spray painted these lovely frames I got on consignment and monogrammed up some stuff to print out to add some wall flair in our bedroom...
Initially, I intended to make a wall display of our monograms in the living room over the television but it didn't work out right. I used the C in the living room and the K & T in bathroom that we use.
I got that antique Mason jar at a consignment store. The thread is on wooden spools!
I painted our bathroom. I wish I would have thought to take before pictures. The wallpaper before was a navy blue and peach color stripe design...enough said, lol...