Monday, May 20, 2013

Artwork Display

Kenna brings home artwork and worksheets all the time now that she is in daycare. Because stuff is falling off the refrigerator, when I seen this picture on Pinterest, I knew I needed to try to make something similar.
 love it!
I had a piece of scrap board from our faux sofa table, already stained, so I cut out a stencil and used the inside of the stencil, painted over the whole thing in a bright/light yellow Valspar paint sample, and then peeled the stencil up to show that pretty stain. I decorated some clothes pins with scrapbook paper and Mod Podge, then hung it on the wall with Command Strips!
Artwork sign
Artwork sign2
While I was working on that, Kenna crafted!
Then we took a stroll outside, well, not really a stroll, while I peeled the stencil off.
And here we are!
Artwork sign34
I also hung up some art in the kitchen. I had some prints I was waiting to use, a Corbin Family Rules print I won from Signs by Andrea, and the middle top big print was done by my cousin, artist D. Renee Wilson!
Linked up at:

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