Tuesday, May 22, 2012

It’s time to stop neglecting the outdoors!

The title is self-explanatory, isn’t it, lol? I’m always working inside, trying to improve things, making nifty little crafts and do not even think about the outside until I’m driving up the driveway shaking my head, lol. Now now, it’s not that bad, we’re not overgrown with weeds but I need to rake some leaves for sure. For the last three summers, I’ve had big plans of making flowers beds complete with mulch and flowers. Nope, no such luck. So without further ado, this summer I have the same expectations! I WILL work on the outside! For real. I promise Winking smile

We’re actually moving soon…well, hopefully by the end of the year, so I have been thinking hard about what color door I want! These are the important priorities, ya know!

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Oh, Young House Love, I have so much love for y’all! Huge Burger fan!

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The only thing I can grow without killing!

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They say vincas are resilient to bad gardeners as well as heat. Might have to check these bad babies out!

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I LOVE this! I need to go pilfer around Mr. LCH’s granny’s place and find some old toys of his =)

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Cinder blocks!

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missing original source =(

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also missing original source

This old tool box is right up Mr. LCH’s alley! Wonder if anyone would notice if I put fake plants in…

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Okay, I know, I know, enough with the picture overload. I was on a roll though, lol. It’s amazing how you collect all these ideas and feel like you have accomplished something…but you really haven’t.

Well, until next time =) I have a couple more sewing projects coming soon!


  1. So glad you found me... I'm now following you too on LF Little Bit from www.DecorateWithaLittleBit.com

    1. Thank you, Little Bit! Following you too =)

  2. Hahaha, I feel like I've accomplished something outside but I've just oogled your awesome inspiration pics. :)

    1. I know exactly how you feel, Karah! I've done more oogling at pics than actually doing stuff, lol

  3. oooh, I love all the pictures, but I really love the last one! How pretty! Thanks for coming by and leaving comments, I really appreciate it! I'll ake some time to poke around your blog a little more! :)


  4. Great Inspiration photos. I really want to paint my front door but I'm afraid I'll do the work and HOA will make me repaint. I could read through the packet they gave us but UGH!!! lol.

    1. Hi there, Karla! I just can't decide what color I'd want to paint mine. I'm scared I wouldn't like it or it wouldn't look right against the brick. Thankfully we don't have the HOA to worry about since we live in a rural area =) Thanks for stopping by!


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